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Are VA rates usually lower or higher than normal rates?

Is that the advantage that a VA gets (lower rates)? or are there other advantages too? by samhoisch from Los Angeles, California. May 27th 2013 Reply

Steven Ceceri (123LoanYes)
#12 ranked lender in Rhode Island - 723 contributions

Good Afternoon! VA Rates are often one of the lowest offered of any program, but like most mortgage products, timing is important as is credit score. The higher the credit score, the better the rate tends to be typically. If you would like to be Pre-Approved, I'd be happy to help you. Let me know if I can be of help as I would be happy to work with you without any obligations. Enjoy the Day and Thank You for your Service to our County!

May 27th 2013
Shawn Waite (sw1sw1)
#206 ranked lender in Florida - 2 contributions

VA rates are usually lower than other types of programs. There are a number of other advanatges as well including no private mortgage insurance requirement. Lower rates and no PMI requirement will result in a lower monthly payment. Also, VA loans can provide 100% financing so there is no down payment required.

May 28th 2013
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

Low rates and no down payment are the main advantages.

May 27th 2013
Peter Savino (855411LEND)
#99 ranked lender in New Jersey - 332 contributions

VA loans have great low rates, the advatage is that VA monthly Mortgage insurance is ZERO. If you would like more information please give me a call, I am working today on this holiday,www. Peter Savino 855 411 LEND

May 27th 2013
Eric Blossman NMLS 211144 (eblossman)
#113 ranked lender in Texas - 63 contributions

Yes, there are many advantages to a VA loan. If you are purchasing you can come in with no money down, or if you are refinancing you may not need an appraisal nor income documentation. Call a local lender for more details.Good Luck!

May 27th 2013
Jedd Nabonsal (jeddnabonsal)
#522 ranked lender in California - 27 contributions

Ya, Va Rates are lower, that is one advantage.Certain fees are not allowed to be charged on VA loans is another advantageAlso You can get a cash out refinance to up to or above 90% of the home's value with no PMI (Monthly mortgage insurance required by FHA loans and required on Fannie Mae (Bank loans) above 80% Loan To ValueOn Purchase $ loans, "fer get about it!." VA provides 100% financing (No Down Payment). No one else does that except the VA.Jedd Nabonsal - -310 433 1703- los Angeles- Mortgage -Banker Priority Financial Network

May 28th 2013
James Mazzola (Mazzola)
#109 ranked lender in New Jersey - 314 contributions

VA Rates are often one of the lowest

May 28th 2013
Ralph Richard Guertin (
#58 ranked lender in Georgia - 807 contributions

VA and FHA rates are usually lower than Fannie/Freddie rates approx. .25 to .5 %, we offer the lowest rates, you can call me at 954-274-7725 Ralph Guertin or email me at

May 28th 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Over the years, VA mortgage rates have been higher, lower, and about equal to conventional loans. The past few years they have been nicely LOWER. The biggest advantage to VA loans comes in two forms. First, it is zero down if that is what you need. Second, if you were putting less than 20% down on any other loan, there is mortgage insurance. On VA loans, there is NO mortgage insurance.

May 28th 2013
Joe Shamie (Joe Shamie)
#4 ranked lender in New Jersey - 1,412 contributions

VA rates are typically lower than conventional rates. However, there is a VA finding fee that gets paid to the VA. Your eligibilty certificate will determine what that funding fee will ultimately be. We have options available tha MAY allow US to give you a credit to cover the funding fee and most of your costs. Click on the First Choice Icon for my contact information to contact me.

May 28th 2013
Andrew Alfonso (CashCow)
#43 ranked lender in Florida - 271 contributions

Lower rates for sure.

May 28th 2013
Steven Cook (
#37 ranked lender in Washington - 256 contributions

Though the rates can be lower -- if you would like some/most of the closing costs paid by lender, they are going to be comparable to other types of loans on their rates. The other comments have pointed out the general benefits of the VA loan (which taken together, make it about the best product in the marketplace.)

May 28th 2013
Michael Zimmerman (MichaelZimmerman)
#60 ranked lender in Virginia - 36 contributions

VA rates are usually lowest offered program.

May 28th 2013
Jason Vondrak (jvondrak)
#220 ranked lender in California - 1,741 contributions

VA rates are often the lowest rates available out of any loan program. Other advantages are that you can get a VA loan with zero money down on a home purchase. If you are refinancing, you can take up to 90 percent of your home's value out in cash. Prospect Financial Group, Inc. is a mortgage brokerage located in San Diego. We have a variety of VA loan options available for home purchase and home refinance. Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss the advantages of a VA loan in more detail.

May 28th 2013
Dan Marchiando (
#473 ranked lender in California - 30 contributions

Hi Sam,VA rates are very competitive even with the low down payments they allow. They are really the best mortgage loan available today if you qualify, and often the lender credit or premium is enough to pay the VA Funding Fee. Zero down if you want, or put a little down, and get a lower Funding Fee. Loan amounts are very generous, especially in Los Angeles, and unlike Private Mortgage Insurance, there is no on-going monthly mortgage insurance to pay. Call if you'd like a competitive quote or more information.Dan

May 28th 2013
Dr. Shab Kavandi (skavandi)
#471 ranked lender in California - 53 contributions

Hi there: with VA loans beside the low rates you can have zero equity (NO equity) in your home but still get a very competitive low mortgage rate with NO mortgage insurance premium! This is one of the most attractive future of VA loans! For further informative info you can call me at 714 639 6694Cheers,Shab Kavandi

May 28th 2013
Raymond Denton (Raymond)
#10 ranked lender in Ohio - 224 contributions

They're generally the same interest rates. The real advantage is 0 down.

Jun 1st 2013
Jeanette Salamon (Jeanette)
#62 ranked lender in Virginia - 32 contributions

Government loan rates which includes VA and FHA are typically the lower of all the programs. Conventional rates are typically higher and carry Private Mortgage Insurance Requirements unless the Loan-to-Value is 80% or less.

Apr 3rd 2014
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