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What my husband credit score have to be in order to get a va loan

by Carlosbody1983506 from , California. Sep 16th 2013 Reply

William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

It takes so much more than a credit score to obtain mortgage financing.. but in general, you would need a 660 or above for the best options, however there are lender who will allow for lower scores.. keep in mind the lower the score, the more difficult it is to get financing and the more strict the lender guidelines will be.. if there are any foreclosures, repossessions, tax liens, unpaid student loans, judgments, etc.. even if your score was 750, you might not get approved if you have one of these credit deficiencies.. .. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714

Sep 16th 2013
Sean Young (SeanYoung)
#1 ranked lender in Colorado - 1,112 contributions

You can go all the way down to a 530 credit score, but you still have to have okay credit. You will have a lot more options if your score is above 620 as this will open you up to many other lenders. My best advice is to contact a local loan officer and do a full loan application. If you click Community on the top right, click find a lender, input your area and you will see some great local loan officers to choose from. Best wishes.

Sep 16th 2013
Adrielle Edwards (AdrielleEdwards)
#901 ranked lender in California - 96 contributions

Some lender will go quite a bit lower, but in order to have the best options you should be above 660. Speak with a local lender and have them take a full application as it takes more than a credit score to qualify.

Sep 17th 2013

The quick answer is 580. Please call to discuss all details to annswer most accurately. Thank you,Al Hensling949-275-5626

Sep 16th 2013
Diana C. Hart (loangodiss)
#222 ranked lender in California - 6 contributions

It varies per lender and all depends on overall credit. Please feel fre to email me to further discuss VA loans.

Sep 16th 2013
Ernesto Marez (Ernesto)
#68 ranked lender in Maryland - 137 contributions

in a nutshell,most lenders will do a 620 mid score on a

Sep 16th 2013
Kay Cleland (
#30 ranked lender in Colorado - 229 contributions

Depends on the lender that you go with. The best answer is to contact a local licensed mortgage professional in your state. Put your state of CA in where it says Find a Mortgage Professional. Contact them and ask for assistance. Discuss your complete scenario with them and they can give you options.

Sep 16th 2013
Kiernan Brown (KiernanBrown)
#49 ranked lender in Michigan - 149 contributions

The safest and best VA lenders will take as low as a 620 middle credit score

Sep 16th 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Technically, the VA allows for pretty lows scores... but the VA doesn't do loans. Lenders do loans and get VA insurance... So lenders have different score requirements. Most VA lenders will require a 640 or higher. Of course credit score alone does not an approval make, so contact a local VA lender for more information.

Sep 17th 2013
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

His credit score should be at least 620, higher is better.

Sep 17th 2013
Jason Vondrak (jvondrak)
#220 ranked lender in California - 1,741 contributions

It will vary from lender to lender. Credit score as well as a number of other factors will be taken into consideration to determine if he is eligible for a VA loan. The best thing to do is to chat with several different lenders to see what they are able to offer based on his credit score. We are located in San Diego and lend throughout the entire state of California. Feel free to contact us at 858-605-0952 for a free, no obligation quote.

Sep 17th 2013
Craig Prickett (cpmtgnow)
#159 ranked lender in Florida - 98 contributions

Generally 620, but taking your entire application and doing a thorough review of all factors is necessary. Im in Florida but can do loans Nationwide. Call me if you would like to apply 954 558-4430 Caliber Home Loans

Sep 17th 2013
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