I obtained my first VA loan several years ago. I am looking into purchasing another property, can I apply again for a VA loan or is it a one time only deal? Thanks by JeffBarnum from Boca Raton, Florida. May 18th 2010
It's one VA loan at a time, but no limit on the total amount. Keep in mind that the funding fee does go up for the 2nd and all subsequent uses. Gregorio Denny WeFixRates.Com
It's not a one time deal. It does affect your VA Funding Fee each time you get a VA Home Loan. Actually as of last year the VA made some changes to where you can get (2) VA loans at a time, BUT the restrictions make it less than likely.To get a VA Home Loan in SC, call Matt Elston at AgSouth Mortgages.P. 803-324-1131
you may ONLY have 1 VA loan at each time. You can refinance your existing then your VA will be elligable.
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