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Shopping for Lower Interest Rates

We’re excited to buy a new home and have applied for loans with a popular lender in our county. We got an approval letter last September with a 2.75% interest rate. We gave them a call recently and we were informed that rates have gone up 3.25%. Are these rates accurate? Can we still shop around for lower rates? by forsberg587 from Denton, Kentucky. Oct 12th 2021 Reply

Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

YES, 100% yes Rates move, sometimes daily. Mortgage rates have been on a slow and steady increase for sometime now, with most guru's anticipating this slow and stead rise to continue. While your specific rate depends on many factors, the simply reality is shop to you drop, rates have moved. That original quote is now long gone. I lend in MN WI IA SD ND. Find me at - Cambria Mortgage, NMLS 274132

Oct 13th 2021
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