I'm wondering if i should buy a home? I owned a home that was sold in a Short Sale over 1 yr ago. The debt was settled for less the amount and the rest was wrote off. Since the Short Sale I have received a promotion and my income has increased. I currently pay 740 a month in rent. The only lender I have been able to qualify with is a local credit union. They have approved me for a 5/1 ARM. The majority of lenders and programs have a 3 year wait after Short Sale. I am looking in the 120k range which the lender said would put my debt to income at 35%. My FICO score is 680 and the only negative mark is the short sale. Should I proceed with the 5/1 ARM and hope to refinance to a fixed in a few years? I was considering going after a short sale to get immediate equity. I really hate paying this much in rent. Please Help! by lscatworman555 from Grand Haven, Michigan. May 6th 2011
We may be able to help you get this figured out but we need to ask a few more specific questions about your short sale.. call 1-877-728-3178 ask for Brock and we will do what we can. Have a great day!
You will have trouble with regular financing having a short sale on your credit. Lender will want to wait for 3 years to write a new loan for you. If you can close on the credit union deal, take it.
Your credit union is most likely the only lender that can give you a loan inside 4 years from your short sale. Good luck with everything.
Take the 5/1 ARM & refi once you're 4 yrs. out from the short sale.
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