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Signed closing disclosure form-someone used Bad numbers

After reviewing my closing form, I signed last Friday. Next Thursday I receive s call that I owe an additional 2k from a math error. Kinda makes me frown but mistakes happenFriday morning the amount of money promised is in my account. At 10 am I get a call that the closing document. Was off by 8000 because they had an incorrect HELOC number. There was quite. A bit of pressure for me to rush to pay the difference. That got me wondering about my responsibility I this matter and what I can do1. The amount of cash they want back is 13% of the amount I was promised per the closing disclosure. That difference Makes this loan pretty much worthless. Big picture I'd rather not go through I've yet to see the. closing disclosure. - I should get time to review them correct ? What if I don't want to sign the revised documents. by Throwaway10363239 from , California. Sep 23rd 2017 Reply

All the moneys have been dispersed except to the HELO. THe last change to my helo was july11 and I contacted the lender July 22. Since I didn't find out there was a glitch until 7 days after I sighed the final disclosure papers I guess I really have no recorse? The new mortgage holder could just call the loan right?

Sep 23rd 2017
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

The time to put on the brakes was when the first error took place.. But if the loan has already disbursed, then all of your mandatory waiting periods have already expired.. as part of the closing documents, there should have been a final CD, and it would have had all the numbers on it.. then after you close.. lenders will send out a corrected CD which might have a few "Micro" changes.. but being off by $10,000.. no way!! You should have caught that right away, and never signed anything until it was corrected. I can tell you from the lenders side, that I've never seen an accounting on closing documents be off by that much.. a few hundred is typical.. sometimes as much as $1000 plus or minus, but $10,000... Never... If you have the resources, you might want to let an attorney review your complete file.... If they messed up.. there's definitely recourse available to you.. I'm a preferred Lender with California and Arizona being my primary markets. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714 NMLS# 226347 / RPM Mortgage NMLS 1541014 / AZMB0121893

Sep 25th 2017
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