I believe you are hoping to find out if your student loan debt needs to be calculated into your DTI. If you are currently responsible for paying on the debt, you must calculate the student loan debt into your DTI. If your loans are in deferment for the next 12 months or more you could use the FHA Loan Program to purchase a home, and woul dnot have to include the student loan debt in your DTI. I hope this has answered a quesion for you.
If your student loan is in deferment, which will extend for at least 12 months, you do not need to include it in your DTI
Are you asking if student debt is calculated in the DTI? If not deferred for more than 3 years out, then yes.
Student loans will always count in your debt servicing, even if the payments are deferred. Why? Because you will eventually have to be making those payments, and if your income does not change, you may not be able to afford the payments when they become due. FHA on the other hand is much more liberal. For most lenders, as long as the payments are deferred at least 12 months past the close of escrow, then they will not be counted in your debt servicing for purposes of qualifying. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Certified by the National Association of Mortgage Professionals and Licensed in California and Arizona ~ Licensed in California and Arizona ~ www.LoansA2z.com 888-889-9950
Student loans will always count in your debt servicing, even if the payments are deferred. Why? Because you will eventually have to be making those payments, and if your income does not change, you may not be able to afford the payments when they become due. FHA on the other hand is much more liberal. For most lenders, as long as the payments are deferred at least 12 months past the close of escrow, then they will not be counted in your debt servicing for purposes of qualifying. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Certified by the National Association of Mortgage Professionals and Licensed in California and Arizona ~ Licensed in California and Arizona ~ www.LoansA2z.com 888-889-9950
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