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Upside down by $20k. How do I refinance?

Conventional, 9.40%, non FHA, non Fannie, non Freddie. Just finished paying off a 2nd at 11.05%. FICO 821. The lender is not refinancing. A hard hit I took 1.5 yrs ago for a mortgage inquiry it's still on my credit report. by sandymae334 from Sun City, Florida. Jun 2nd 2017 Reply

Todd Glassman (Todd Glassman)
#1 ranked lender in South Carolina - 126 contributions

Sandy Mae, please call my mortgage specialist, John Crivea at 864-907-1089 to discuss your specific situation and create a financial strategy.

Jun 2nd 2017
Larry Gray (lgray_312_247)
#596 ranked lender in California - 1,139 contributions

Congratulations on paying off the 2nd! It sounds like you continue to improve your situation after apparently a challenging period wherein you took the prefaced "hard hit" for a mortgage inquiry on your credit report.. It is not clear since we refer to an inquiry usually as simply a company looking into your credit report, but I suspect you received a derogatory indication regarding anything from late payments to a pre-foreclosure situation. If you are certain, even with having paid off the 2nd loan, your are still upside down by $20,000...then other than a loan modification I am not certain you have options. Did you attempt one before? it certainly would not do you any harm to discuss your situation with a licensed mortgage broker/banker experienced with both credit and value issues as suggested by Todd Glassman.

Jun 2nd 2017
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