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VA short sale guidelines

I am a Realtor and I have a VA short sale listed. I just gotten an offer, however it is a very very low offer and the Buyer is asking Seller to pay 3.0% of buyers closing costs as well as all the transfer and status fees affiliated with the HOA. I have an offer on a property. The buyer is asking for the Seller to pay 3.0% of buyers closing costs AND transfer of HOA fees and status letter. On FHA the only allowable closing costs towards the buyers expenses is 1.0% What are the guidelines on VA? Is there any guidelines on this? by Diane_845_566 from Denver, Colorado. Jan 3rd 2012 Reply

FHA allows up to 6% seller contribution and VA allows up to 4%John Jarvis Denver Mortgage company 720-732-2705

Jan 4th 2012
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

VA says the seller can pay "all reasonable" costs, not to exceed 4% of the purchase price. Conforming (Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac) says 3%, and FHA says 6%. Be aware that for some silly reason, on many foreclosures, the SELLING bank won't allow over 3%. www.BuyMN

Jan 4th 2012
Adam Webb (Adam.Webb)
#15 ranked lender in South Carolina - 19 contributions

On VA loans the seller is allowed to pay up to 4% of the buyers closing costs as long as it's negotiated in the sales contract. FHA typically allows up to 6% seller concesions. Now depending on the current shortselling lender they may or may not allow for any closing costs to be paid, but again this is all part of the negotiation process. My advice is to show the contract to the client and let them decide. I hope you find this information helpful. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Adam Webb Mortgage Consultant NMLS Unique Identifier #196458 First Charleston Mortgage L.L.C. Toll Free: (800) 968-3987 or email

Jan 4th 2012
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

The real question is the seller's lender going to allow 3% plus HOA and status letter fees. Both FHA and VA will allow seller to contribute towards closing costs, but because you have a shortsale, will the lender allow it??

Jan 4th 2012
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

At the risk of being a Kill-Joy, It almost doesn't matter what VA will allow, it is what the bank that holds the mortgage will allow. Although VA will allow the seller to pay up to 4% of the buyers normal closing costs, it is doubtful that the bank is going to acept a low-ball offer AND pay all of the costs you indicated. If they allow it, they are probably going to require the seller to bring cash to close to cover those expenses. They would be the ones I would run the question past.

Jan 4th 2012
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