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what is the Harp rate vs regular for 30 yr fixed

by lbaudendistel755 from , California. Mar 21st 2017 Reply

Timothy Howard (timehoward)
#117 ranked lender in Arizona - 159 contributions

Without knowing more of your situation, this is too much unknown to give an honest and accurate for this scenario.

Mar 21st 2017
Larry Gray (lgray_312_247)
#596 ranked lender in California - 1,139 contributions

Sometimes the Harp rate is an eighth better than the regular rate and other times it might be the same. In reviewing rates a primarily correspondent lender who loans their own money...I might have a lender or two who are more aggressive in pricing rates on a given day. If they also provide a harp rate, sometimes it is an eight better and other times it is the same.

Mar 21st 2017
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

More information is needed on your personal situation, so contact a local mortgage broker in your area for assistance. But generally speaking, they are either just a hair above or below the standard loan rate for your situation. For HARP refinance loans in MN, WI, or SD, visit me at

Mar 22nd 2017
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