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I WANT TO JOIN A SECRET OCCULT SOCIETY CALL +2348082251281Please you need to think very well before joining this brotherhood as the involvement may not be a child's play. Once you have taken our oath, there is no going back because the consequences are devastating. Are you sure you know what you are doing? It's for the DESPERATE!your time is limited so don't spend it leaving some one else. life we were bornfree and to die free but will you live free? As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge. you may not be able to change your past but the future has no right to take you by surprise.THE ROYAL LODGE BROTHERHOOD occult, it s optional we don t force any one to do so because every one has got his or her own life desires. If you are brave enough then you can make it. you must know that once you join, your life changes completely and you forget about suffering once you make the right sacrifice.Join THE ROYAL LODGE BROTHERHOOD You must know that you are committing your self to a serious and powerful occult and that you are willing to keep secrecy about the occult. This is because you will find people whom you can t associate with over the streets but you can associate with them at the church. Don t come in to try we are never tried. I wish all the willing candidates to be brave enough to decide about their future and their talent to shine. Join the occult and be who you are meant to be in the world. reMEMBER you can t see a star without darkness. Do you want to become rich, famous or powerful in life? If yes thenjoin the ROYAL LODGE brotherhood kingdom now and have all your heart desires come through , FAST CARS , SPOT LIGHT , MONEY , INFLUENCE , FAME, HAPPINESS and POWER .Become a MEMBER of the ROYAL LODGE brotherhood and enjoy wealth, fame and everything you have ever dreamed of. Complete the initiation process and be rewarded with all the world has to offer. We invite anyone who wishes to forge the spirit of friendship in a true brotherhood of power to join us, to unite our power to your own.Join us and share in the Brotherhood''s closely-guarded secrets and circles of power.Together we can achieve great things that we could not achieve alone. Joining The ROYAL LODGE Brotherhood will start you on the path to a new life filled with money, friends, health and the fulfillment of all your dreams .Beginning today, you can change your life and your fortune. Learn how you can have, do and be anything you want in life.dear friend and seeker of the classical African tradition you live in a world shaped by women and men who sought greatness beyond the limitations of their own minds. it was their destiny to become more than merely human to become true masters over the winds of their lives. by Royallodgebrother... from San Diego, California. Aug 26th 2024 Reply

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