I meet all the criteria of the HARP program except the LTV of 125. I bought house for 170, owe 160 and am told estimated value is 125. My original loan was an 80/20 so I don't pay PMI but have interest rates of 6.875 on the 1st and 9.375 on the second Can't seem to get anyone to make this work. No missed payments and credit scorest in the 780+. What am I saying or doing wrong? Or is my ability to easily pay current rates preventing me from doing anything?Thanks you. by willad_918_571 from Kenner, Louisiana. Oct 25th 2011
It may be that the home itself is not eligible. To see if your home is, use these two search engines http://www.fanniemae.com/loanlookup/ to see if your home is serviced by Fannie and use https://ww3.freddiemac.com/corporate/ to see if Freddie Mac is servicing your loan If your loan is not on either of these lists, you would have to work with your current lender and see if they will allow a refinance with the Combined Loan To Value above 100% your first mortgage should be below 95% LTV and should be eligible for a refinace, but you are probably stuck with the current rate on the second. Good luck
You are over the 125% LTV based on the numbers you provided... but it's also possible your home does not qualify for the HARP program. If your home is eligible, and the only issue is that your greater than 125% LTV, hang in there.. new proposed changes to the HARP program are on the horizon and within a few months, it might be possible.. WilliamAcres.com
HARP II was announced yesterday. New guidelines should be out to lenders by the middle of November, with lenders actually doing the loans starting in December or January. Visit http://mnrealestatedaily.com for more information
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