Wednesday, November 27, 2013 -
Article by:
Carlo Sanchez - Security National Mortgage Company -
In the 2013 Real Estate Market one thing sellers can expect is for buyers to always be looking for ways to pay below the seller's asking price but the seller can be prepared before they list their home if they know what parts of their home the buyer might use as their reason for submitting a lower offer.
Kitchens and Bathrooms
The first areas of any home on the Real Estate Market that a buyer will pinpoint as their reasons for submitting a lower offer are that the kitchens and bathrooms of the home need serious updating.
Buyers can be picky, especially if they are looking for their dream home, and find a home with a kitchen or bathroom that has flooring or fixtures that need to be replaced and walls that should have been painted years ago.
Every buyer should make the effort to update their home, before they list it, by painting walls neutral colors, replacing old, outdated flooring and investing in new fixtures for the home like faucets, sinks and hardware for cabinets because, making a small investment in the home before listing it can ultimately save the owner tens of thousands of dollars and enable them to sell their homes for more than their asking price.
Hire a Licensed Contractor
When making any major repairs, before listing a home on the 2013 Real Estate Market, a homeowner should always make the effort to hire a licensed contractor to work on their home, especially when making plumbing or electrical repairs, because, if the buyer's agent finds out that the home owner performed all of the work on their home themselves, this could be another reason for them to submit a low offer on the Home For Sale because, they could ultimately claim that some parts of the home are not up to code since a licensed contractor didn't perform the repairs for the home owner.
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