Wednesday, March 9, 2011 -
Article by:
Caryll Miller - Saprinc Corp -
It is said that a lot of people are not properly informed about the state of the mortgage industry. Therefore are surrounded by the fear that they would not qualify for a mortgage loan. Everyone knows or have heard about someone in foreclosure or maybe they had heard that lenders simply are not lending anymore. So naturally they are jaded towards the thought of purchasing a home.
However purchasing a home is still one of the best investments that one can make towards their future. This is a great time to buy because property value and rate are extremely low so for the same money you pay in rent you can purchase a home. Lenders are still lending, I'm still lending, Call me to discuss how you too can get pre-approved to purchase your own home 914-259-8470 or go to and fill out a quick loan application
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