Thursday, September 15, 2011 -
Article by:
William J. Acres - Trusted Lending Center -
I'm often asked if I think rates will get any lower, and my response is almost always... Who Cares... with rates in the low 4's, how much lower do you think it will go.. Look at it this way.. if it cost me $1 to make a widget, and the market for widgets will only support a sale price of $1.05... at what point do I get out of the widget business.. Rates can only go so low before lending on a mortgage is no longer a profitable investment. When rates are at historic lows like they are now, really the only place they can go is up... if you're on the fence, get off it, and do it now.. in the long run, let's say 5 to 10 years from now, will it really matter if you paid 1/4% higher rate then you could have paid if you had timed the market just right??? Heck no... Get your loan while the getting's good!!
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