Tuesday, April 10, 2012 -
Article by:
Austin S. - www.mortgagehomeservices.com -
Here we will explain to you how you can stop foreclosure from happening to you and allow you to avoid your home going into a trustee sale. Read these tips carefully and if you have any questions call us today so that we can help you save your home and walk you through the process of stopping your foreclosure and help you postpone your trustee sale .
It is no secret that the California housing market is suffering and right now neighborhoods are filled with signs pointing out foreclosures and short sales. If you are one of these or are in danger of losing your home, check out these prevention tips to avoid foreclosure and stop your trustee sale. With just a few steps and our help, you may be able to save your home and your credit.
Tip 1: Total Your Spending
From your grocery bills to student loans, determine how much you're spending each month and find out what, if anything, can be cut out. You may find that a few hundred dollars is separating you from your mortgage bill. Once you figure out how your income balances out with your spending, you'll have a better idea of what to ask from your lender.
Tip No. 2: Reach Out To Lender
If you find that you can't cut out any spending to afford your mortgage bills, talk to your lender to find out if they have any loan modification programs available. The government's Making Home Affordable plan may not apply to your situation, so be sure to check with your lender first. Also we can help you find out if you qualify for one of your lenders programs as well.
Tip No. 3: Research Your Loan
Look for the paperwork that went with your original loan -- hopefully it's in your desk somewhere. Then find out do you have a federally-backed loan? Is your loan based on principle or interest? The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sites allow you to search your address to find out if one of them owns your mortgage. You may discover that you were approved for the loan although your income didn't match up, or other inconsistencies that may help your case for a loan modification.
Tip No. 4: Write Hardship Letter
If your lender allows you to start a loan modification, you will likely need to provide a hardship letter along with a list of your spending and proof of income. The best advice for writing the hardship letter is to be honest. Explain why you are unable to afford your home and be straightforward with your request. Be sure to turn in all your paperwork on time, otherwise your loan modification request may fall through the cracks. We have come across this issue with many of our clients and we can help you get through the loan modification preparation process so that you can avoid foreclosure and keep your home.
Tip No. 5: Do the Math and Ask for the Terms you want
See if you are eligible for a loan modification, and then see if you can actually afford the lowest possible payments you could get. The non-profits have to help all those who seek help, without ever doing the math to see if a modification is even feasible. It helps to be prepared by having the right terms to propose to your state mediator or housing counselor by doing some math first and then seeing if these terms are more profitable to your lender than a foreclosure. If you truly want to keep your home and avoid foreclosure we are here to help you. Find out if you qualify for a program today and stop foreclosure and do not let your home go into trustee sale.
If you need help with stopping a foreclosure we can help you. Find out how you can qualify with our guidance and if this is to much for you to take in feel free to give us a call and let us help you through the process of stopping your home foreclosure and avoid a trustee sale. Do not wait until the last minute take action today to save your home and stop foreclosure.
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