Friday, February 8, 2013 -
Article by:
DarrenCopeland - Leader One Finanacial -
Looking for some tips on how to make your home loan process go smoothly and without a big hiccup?
watch this short video on our YouTube channel:
Here's a transcript of the video below, (just in case you're not a visual person, but I'd highly recommend watching the's amazing!)
Hey guys it's Darren Copeland your mortgage guru; today we're here at the office with another weekly tip for you guys. Now what we're going to do is were actually walk into one of the conference rooms here were we do a lot of our mortgage closing so as you're going through the mortgage loan process this is where you want to end up ok so you want to end up here at the table and actually signing on your closing now you know i've been doing this for about ten years and a lot of things can come up so the big thing that always want to do is coach you guys on a bunch of do's and don'ts as you go through the mortgage process now a lot of these might sound a little bit funny but these actually are like real life events that really happen in you don't want to do these things because in underwriting these days we have to be so particular not to make any mistakes as you're going that loan process so let's cover a few of these do's and don'ts today's one do stay current on all your existing accounts and two this is kind of important keep working at your same employer you don't go on a leave of absence don't quit your job it's kind of important that your still employed with your same employer okay call us with any questions so if anything comes up calls with any questions that i a few the don'ts don't make any major purchases so hold off on that new boat hold off on that new car until after closing if you have to purchase some like that don't opening a new credit cards just hang tight with the ones you have and don't close them just continue paying those on time and don't transfer any balance is between different bank account so like if you have checking and savings don't be transferring a bunch of monies back-and-forth because it can cause problems as well and this is one my personal favorite do not finance any elective medical procedures so if you guys could kinda hold off on those elective medical procedures until after you buy your house that would be fantastic so this is another weekly tip for you guys again i'm Darren Copeland your mortgage guru and will see on the web Check us out at and like us on facebook at!
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