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Joshua Bucio

Rural Housing Mortgage Program

Monday, March 11, 2013 - Article by: Joshua Bucio - Waterstone Mortgage - Message

There are many mortgage programs available for home buyers, but many people are not aware of the no down payment programs that are still available. There are two programs still available that are true 100% financing mortgage loans and the Rural Housing Program is one of them. This program is not subject to first time home buyers only. It's available to all home buyers.

Rural Housing Program

This program is unique, because it's mainly based on property location and income limits. The property you are buying has to be in an eligible area. Most populated areas are not eligible, since the program is meant for rural areas. The income limit is based on the county the property is located. On average, for Wisconsin, the total household gross annual income is about $75,000

Here is a list of beneifts to this program:

- It's a true no down payment program. Finance 100% of the purchase price.

- You may have a credit score as low as 620.

- Most areas outside of a populated city will be eligible.

- Funds gifted from a relative for the costs are allowed.

- There is no PMI payment required.

This program has become very popular among first time home buyers, since many have little to no money for a down payment.

Learn more about the program at

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