Tuesday, June 25, 2013 -
Article by:
Gene Mundt - American Portfolio Mortgage Corporation -
How Public Transportation Affects the Value of your Chicagoland Home
In Chicagoland, areas once considered "rural" when my wife and I were growing up are now thought of as suburbs of the city of Chicago. Roads that used to see limited traffic are now considered main arteries.
Because of that fact, and the accompanying population growth that comes with this type of expansion, many new home buyers looking for homes in our area have changed the criteria in which they evaluate their future home choice.
Proximity to work ... travel time ... ease of travel ... gas prices, all have contributed to the growing importance and focus on public transit in our region. The old mantra of "location, location, location" has never been truer than it currently is.
What does this mean to those selling their homes in the Chicagoland area?
A recent study released by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in tandem with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) indicates it means very good things for Sellers. It is stated that: "Data in the study reveals that during the last recession, residential property values performed 42% better on average if they were located near public transportation with high-frequency service".
The study, which evaluated 5 regions (Phoenix, Minneapolis-St. Paul, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago) where high-frequency services were predominant ... high-frequency being defined as light rail, bus rapid transit, and subway modes of transportation.
In the Chicago and Chicagoland region, the public transit areas performed 30% better than homes in other areas in the area. Homes near CTA stations (Chicago Transit Authority) did especially well, with homes in proximity to stations seeing sales prices an average of 47.3% higher. The study also indicated that approximately $300 was saved in transportation costs each month, when utilizing a public transit system.
Add all these statistics up and you quickly realize that many potential Home Buyers in the Chicagoland area are hoping to buy near public transit ... and will be willing to pay more for those homes to accomplish that. Again, good news for those hoping to sell a home in a locale offering this beneficial feature both now and in the future.
It should be pointed out, that although a close proximity to public transit was not a complete panacea for the recession's sliding housing values, it did offer some respite ... something current Home Buyers should consider when considering location, whether they utilize public transit themselves or not.
For those considering a new home purchase in the Chicagoland area, below are some helpful and handy links to some of the public transit in our area. Check them out to see if the areas you are considering for purchase are nearby:
Metra Website
For: Chicago - Southland Travelers
Rock Island District
SouthWest Service Line Map
Regional Transportation Authority
Chicago Transit Authority
CTA Bus System Maps
Call 312-836-7000 for routes/schedule/fare info. Customers w/ hearing loss: 312-836-4949 TTY
Pace Maps & Schedules
Google Maps: Chicago Transit Directions/Info
Amtrak - Union Station
Chicago Disability Transit
CDT Service Area Map
How Public Transportation Effects the Value of your Chicagoland Home ... It must also be noted that this study showed that properties located in transit-oriented areas outperformed other properties, no matter the property type. Click HERE to view a Public Transit Chicago Infographic. So whether you are considering the purchase of a single-family residence, condominium, townhome, or something else ... the benefit is still to be found.
* Hoping to Buy a Home or Refinance in New Lenox, Joliet, Will or DuPage County, or elsewhere in the Chicagoland area? Contact me today! I'll put my 36+ years of mortgage experience and expertise hard to work on your behalf.
I can be easily found at the following:
Direct: 815.524.2280
Cell/Text: 708.921.6331
FREE Consultation
eFax: 815.524.2281 Skype: 630.219.1316
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